Saturday, February 19, 2005

movie "reviews" etc.

life in MD is extremely boring. nothing new gossip....hence nothing to blog about. so it's time for another movie "review" and other random bs.

i finally saw Resident Evil: Apocalypse. i have to say i was somewhat disappointed.

Resident Evil

the storyline in the first one was so much better. i'm still confused about a few things....i'm not saying just yet because i don't want to ruin it for those of you who haven't seen it. anyways, i think there's going to be a third one based on how it ended. now i know to just lower my expectations so i won't be disappointed.

another movie i saw was Maria Full of Grace.


it was a good movie, but then again i was half awake the whole time. maybe i'll watch it again this weekend or wait a few more days.

now onto more important things: my birthday. i still haven't decided what to do. a friend of mine wants me to hang out with him, but i have no idea what i want to do. of course there has to be drinks involved or it wouldn't be a great

and speaking of birthdays, i think my biological has gone into over drive...don't laugh. i'm dead serious. maybe its because i realize i'm getting older and i really don't have that much time left...i don't want to start having kids when i'm 30. yesterday morning when i woke up, i felt this strong need to have a child, and a girl at that. and it wasn't just a passing thought, the feeling lasted throughout the day...very scary. i wish i could go back in time, maybe to....hmmm what age was a good age???.....maybe 21.....and just stay that way. i don't want to get old and i don't want to think about having kids....not right now anyway.

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