Thursday, June 30, 2005


bitches!!!!!!!!! i have a four-day weekend....woo hoo!!! see you all in jersey. does anyone know if the reception's open-bar??? please say it is. we're getting cnot drunk. as you can tell there's nothing new to report. everything's shitty as shitty goes in this shitty area. oh by the way, i'm trying out "shitty" and "pissy"...tired of saying "fuck" all the time and for those of you who've never heard me swear come to work with me for a'll be entertaining i promise. i don't have anything to bring as a back-up in case the dresses don't fit. i really need to expand the special occasion section of my wardrobe...the only thing i have for special occasions are saris but its not an indian wedding.

hmmm...what else??? haven't really seen any good movies lately. oh wait i lied. i watched Mystic River wednesday night.


if you haven't seen it yet make sure you add it to your netflix queue. i cried a lot but the hormones might have had something to do with it...that time of the month. haven't been to the movies lately so there's nothing really to report or recommend. i do want to see War of the Worlds, Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Batman Begins of course. if you've seen any of them, let me know if they're woth seeing in theaters or not. Oh i almost forgot Bewitched. Hmmm...i need a good horror/thriller movie to watch. any recommendations???

there's something else i wanted to say but i can't remember...thats the old age kicking in...oh its past my bedtime...later.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

practice time

today i'm going to practice playing the guitar. i can't remember the last time i attempted to play anything. i have to set up a weekly schedule that allows me enough time to practice at least once a day, and to crochet (seeing as i have several projects to finish). i think i need to start getting up earlier so i can eat breakfast, well a healthy one...breakfast for me is usually starbucks or mcdonald's coz they're the only ones open on my route to work. so this is what my schedule will be, hopefully, for the next 2 months.

Monday - Friday
6:30a - shower, get dressed
7:00 - eat breakfast
7:30 - wake up RAJ (this takes half an hour)
8:00 - practice
8:30 - leave for work
9:00a - 6:00p NHPME
7:00p (if i'm lucky) - change, relax, check & respond to emails
8:00 - eat dinner
8:30 - practice
9:00 - make necessary phone calls (i miss my 7-7)
10:00 - crochet
12:00 - bedtime

Mondays & Wednesdays - eat dinner earlier, run/exercise from 8 -9

Saturday & Sunday aka family, friends, and fucking days. time will be spent cleaning, learning how to cook, hanging out with friends, running, something fun and new, etc.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

so call me stupid...

...but i'm eating watermelon which i think i might be allergic to. the last time i had it i was 7 years old, i turned bright red and was itchy all over. i'm hoping i've out-grown this allergy. i guess we'll see in a few minutes or hours. i'm not too fond of it though. so contrary to popular belief, not all black people love watermelon. i've also just grown to like cantaloupes. favorite fruit: green apples and it has to be a specific green...the green that makes your mouth feel sour just looking at it. why??? because i only eat the peel/skin. yes i know i'm extremely weird. i can only eat red or golden apples if they're sliced and peeled. ok i feel a slight itch...time to dump the melons.

CASPA apps

Central Application Service for Physician Assistants(CASPA). started the application today. wish me luck. its similar to the amcas....just one application sent out to several schools. there are only 3 schools in MD with an accredited pa program; towson, eastern shore & anne arundel community college. i think towson's my best bet so far. they have rolling admission which is a good thing, but according to caspa, its better to apply before august 15th for best consideration. so hopefully all goes well and i can get all my transcripts and recommendations by then. its going to be a crazy summer. i'm also still looking into bowie's nursing program. the application deadline is october 15th, spring admission only. all i have left to do is complete this essay and submit it. but since the program starts in the spring, i have to register for classes for the fall or risk getting my ass sent back home. so keeping my fingers crossed, i'll be a full-time student in the fun!!! i'll be taking micro II, elementary stat, a philosphy class, and a social work class. i'll need micro & the stat class for both i figured i might as well go ahead and get it out the way.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

too long to be a comment

this is in response to mar's comment on this post

sorry :-( i'll try to keep you updated before blogging. plus you were on vaca anyway. where's my guru when i need her??? off getting engaged & shit!!! you're not a parttime guru!!! i have to do an evalutaion. seeing as you have the wedding to plan and all, you'll have a lot on your plate. maybe you need an assistant. yep! you need an assistant. applications will be available for this position in a week or two. anyone interested in being an assistant guru to me, please contact me via email :-)

i'm rich biotch

i have $78.64 in change!!! gucci, fendi, louis here i come!!!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

its too fucking hot to blog or do anything. it was 93 degrees today...felt like a 105...the heat sapped all my energy. its been like this for the past few days. this summer's going to be hell on earth. i promised you all an here's a quickie. shortie and i are still together. goonga and i are friends again. work sucks...everyone's quitting. no rosea this year so far....and the old spots are fading...woo hoo!!! yeah thats it. i gotta go...need to go sit near a vent or fan. its still 90 degrees outside!!!