Sunday, December 19, 2004

Nothing to report. Life's boring. Even work's boring. No gossip. The only thing entertaining was the harlot's spelling. Cajun fries are now cushion fries. Yes, cushion. You can't help but feel sorry for her some days. Nothing much happened at NHPME, it was a slow week. Wednesday I took off work, and did a little bit of shopping. I bought Sex & the City Season 5. I'm just hoping noone bought it for me for Christmas. I forgot I had it on my wishlist. I still have to venture into the mall sometime this week. I need gifts for 6 more people. It shouldn't be too hard because I know what I'm getting everyone now (thank you Guru). So I just need to go in and grab it, stand in line for hours and then leave. Fun!

Its been a quiet weekend so far. Yesterday I spent the whole day watching football with Goonga. Even though the Giants lost, I'd have to say that Eli did a lot better than previous games. Panthers lost to the Falcons. I had my money on the Panthers. I shoulda known better. Anyways more football today. The Eagles are playing right now and of course they're going to win. Maybe I'll watch the second half. Gotta save the yelling and cheering for the Colts tonight. GO PEYTON!!!!!!!

I need to start watching basketball again. I don't even have a favorite team anymore, don't know who plays for what team, I'm slacking. Maybe I'll start watching after football season. Maybe.

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