- driving (2hrs, tues, wed, thurs)
- shopping (clothes & shoes)...love you mom
- lunch with cnotty
- buy wardrobe & organize room
- sex...i know i said its over...but i'm weak-willed & its been so long (57 to be exact) & i'm on vacation. so you all can yell at me next week
- more sex
- sleep
- more sleep
- movies
- finish current crochet project & start new blanket
- if i have time between the sex...kidding...read and maybe dust off the PS2.
Monday, August 29, 2005
my week of idleness has begun. my itinerary for the week:
Monday, August 08, 2005
it really amazes me that friends my age can still afford to sleep late on weekdays...and i don't mean until 10:00 a.m....more like 2:00p.m...don't these people have a job. maybe i'm just jealous because even on weekends when i'm supposed to sleep late...no matter what time i go to bed...i always wake up around 7:00a.m. i called 3 people today around 2:00p.m. and woke them all up.
first convo
me: "hey whats up?"
friend: "actually i was still sleeping. you woke me up."
me: "sorry. don't you have shit to do today?"
friend: "no not really."
friend: " can i call you back in about an hour or so?"
me: "okay, bye."
second convo
me: "hi, i was just returning your call."
friend: "damn you woke me up."
me: "not working today i see."
friend: "nope."
me: "okay well i'll let you go."
friend: "i'll call you later, maybe in an hour."
third convo
me: "lemme guess...i woke you up."
friend: "yeah you did."
me: "don't you people fucking work anymore?'
friend: "nah just laying around the house."
friend: "whats wrong with you?"
me: "nothing at all. lemme guess you're gonna call me back? in an hour or two? ok bye."
only one called me back in an hour, which means the other two slept until about 5-6p.m. wish i could do that. i can't even take naps anymore. so yeah i guess i'm a little jealous. let's see its 11:15p.m now...if i go to sleep now i'll prolly wake up at 6:00a.m. then drift in and out until my alarm goes off at 7:00...because i'm afraid i'll sleep through the alarm...then curse myself for missing out on an hour. i miss those lazy summer days.
first convo
me: "hey whats up?"
friend: "actually i was still sleeping. you woke me up."
me: "sorry. don't you have shit to do today?"
friend: "no not really."
friend: " can i call you back in about an hour or so?"
me: "okay, bye."
second convo
me: "hi, i was just returning your call."
friend: "damn you woke me up."
me: "not working today i see."
friend: "nope."
me: "okay well i'll let you go."
friend: "i'll call you later, maybe in an hour."
third convo
me: "lemme guess...i woke you up."
friend: "yeah you did."
me: "don't you people fucking work anymore?'
friend: "nah just laying around the house."
friend: "whats wrong with you?"
me: "nothing at all. lemme guess you're gonna call me back? in an hour or two? ok bye."
only one called me back in an hour, which means the other two slept until about 5-6p.m. wish i could do that. i can't even take naps anymore. so yeah i guess i'm a little jealous. let's see its 11:15p.m now...if i go to sleep now i'll prolly wake up at 6:00a.m. then drift in and out until my alarm goes off at 7:00...because i'm afraid i'll sleep through the alarm...then curse myself for missing out on an hour. i miss those lazy summer days.
Saturday, July 23, 2005
woo hoo!!!
I'M GONNA BE A MAID OF HONOR!!! wait are you sure about this??? me honorable??? you sure you have the right person??? maybe you meant to ask your other third cousin once removed. hehe!!!
Thursday, June 30, 2005
bitches!!!!!!!!! i have a four-day weekend....woo hoo!!! see you all in jersey. does anyone know if the reception's open-bar??? please say it is. we're getting cnot drunk. as you can tell there's nothing new to report. everything's shitty as shitty goes in this shitty area. oh by the way, i'm trying out "shitty" and "pissy"...tired of saying "fuck" all the time and for those of you who've never heard me swear come to work with me for a day...it'll be entertaining i promise. i don't have anything to bring as a back-up in case the dresses don't fit. i really need to expand the special occasion section of my wardrobe...the only thing i have for special occasions are saris but its not an indian wedding.
hmmm...what else??? haven't really seen any good movies lately. oh wait i lied. i watched Mystic River wednesday night.

if you haven't seen it yet make sure you add it to your netflix queue. i cried a lot but the hormones might have had something to do with it...that time of the month. haven't been to the movies lately so there's nothing really to report or recommend. i do want to see War of the Worlds, Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Batman Begins of course. if you've seen any of them, let me know if they're woth seeing in theaters or not. Oh i almost forgot Bewitched. Hmmm...i need a good horror/thriller movie to watch. any recommendations???
there's something else i wanted to say but i can't remember...thats the old age kicking in...oh its past my bedtime...later.
hmmm...what else??? haven't really seen any good movies lately. oh wait i lied. i watched Mystic River wednesday night.
if you haven't seen it yet make sure you add it to your netflix queue. i cried a lot but the hormones might have had something to do with it...that time of the month. haven't been to the movies lately so there's nothing really to report or recommend. i do want to see War of the Worlds, Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Batman Begins of course. if you've seen any of them, let me know if they're woth seeing in theaters or not. Oh i almost forgot Bewitched. Hmmm...i need a good horror/thriller movie to watch. any recommendations???
there's something else i wanted to say but i can't remember...thats the old age kicking in...oh its past my bedtime...later.
Sunday, June 26, 2005
practice time
today i'm going to practice playing the guitar. i can't remember the last time i attempted to play anything. i have to set up a weekly schedule that allows me enough time to practice at least once a day, and to crochet (seeing as i have several projects to finish). i think i need to start getting up earlier so i can eat breakfast, well a healthy one...breakfast for me is usually starbucks or mcdonald's coz they're the only ones open on my route to work. so this is what my schedule will be, hopefully, for the next 2 months.
Monday - Friday
6:30a - shower, get dressed
7:00 - eat breakfast
7:30 - wake up RAJ (this takes half an hour)
8:00 - practice
8:30 - leave for work
9:00a - 6:00p NHPME
7:00p (if i'm lucky) - change, relax, check & respond to emails
8:00 - eat dinner
8:30 - practice
9:00 - make necessary phone calls (i miss my 7-7)
10:00 - crochet
12:00 - bedtime
Mondays & Wednesdays - eat dinner earlier, run/exercise from 8 -9
Saturday & Sunday aka family, friends, and fucking days. time will be spent cleaning, learning how to cook, hanging out with friends, running, something fun and new, etc.
Monday - Friday
6:30a - shower, get dressed
7:00 - eat breakfast
7:30 - wake up RAJ (this takes half an hour)
8:00 - practice
8:30 - leave for work
9:00a - 6:00p NHPME
7:00p (if i'm lucky) - change, relax, check & respond to emails
8:00 - eat dinner
8:30 - practice
9:00 - make necessary phone calls (i miss my 7-7)
10:00 - crochet
12:00 - bedtime
Mondays & Wednesdays - eat dinner earlier, run/exercise from 8 -9
Saturday & Sunday aka family, friends, and fucking days. time will be spent cleaning, learning how to cook, hanging out with friends, running, something fun and new, etc.
Sunday, June 12, 2005
so call me stupid...
...but i'm eating watermelon which i think i might be allergic to. the last time i had it i was 7 years old, i turned bright red and was itchy all over. i'm hoping i've out-grown this allergy. i guess we'll see in a few minutes or hours. i'm not too fond of it though. so contrary to popular belief, not all black people love watermelon. i've also just grown to like cantaloupes. favorite fruit: green apples and it has to be a specific green...the green that makes your mouth feel sour just looking at it. why??? because i only eat the peel/skin. yes i know i'm extremely weird. i can only eat red or golden apples if they're sliced and peeled. ok i feel a slight itch...time to dump the melons.
CASPA apps
Central Application Service for Physician Assistants(CASPA). started the application today. wish me luck. its similar to the amcas....just one application sent out to several schools. there are only 3 schools in MD with an accredited pa program; towson, eastern shore & anne arundel community college. i think towson's my best bet so far. they have rolling admission which is a good thing, but according to caspa, its better to apply before august 15th for best consideration. so hopefully all goes well and i can get all my transcripts and recommendations by then. its going to be a crazy summer. i'm also still looking into bowie's nursing program. the application deadline is october 15th, spring admission only. all i have left to do is complete this essay and submit it. but since the program starts in the spring, i have to register for classes for the fall or risk getting my ass sent back home. so keeping my fingers crossed, i'll be a full-time student in the fall...fun fun!!! i'll be taking micro II, elementary stat, a philosphy class, and a social work class. i'll need micro & the stat class for both programs...so i figured i might as well go ahead and get it out the way.
Saturday, June 11, 2005
too long to be a comment
this is in response to mar's comment on this post
sorry :-( i'll try to keep you updated before blogging. plus you were on vaca anyway. where's my guru when i need her??? off getting engaged & shit!!! you're not a parttime guru!!! i have to do an evalutaion. seeing as you have the wedding to plan and all, you'll have a lot on your plate. maybe you need an assistant. yep! you need an assistant. applications will be available for this position in a week or two. anyone interested in being an assistant guru to me, please contact me via email :-)
sorry :-( i'll try to keep you updated before blogging. plus you were on vaca anyway. where's my guru when i need her??? off getting engaged & shit!!! you're not a parttime guru!!! i have to do an evalutaion. seeing as you have the wedding to plan and all, you'll have a lot on your plate. maybe you need an assistant. yep! you need an assistant. applications will be available for this position in a week or two. anyone interested in being an assistant guru to me, please contact me via email :-)
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
its too fucking hot to blog or do anything. it was 93 degrees today...felt like a 105...the heat sapped all my energy. its been like this for the past few days. this summer's going to be hell on earth. i promised you all an update...so here's a quickie. shortie and i are still together. goonga and i are friends again. work sucks...everyone's quitting. no rosea this year so far....and the old spots are fading...woo hoo!!! yeah thats it. i gotta go...need to go sit near a vent or fan. its still 90 degrees outside!!!
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
today was one of those days....everything felt wrong....everything was annoying. walking through the door this morning, i just wanted to turn around, walkout, go home and curl up in bed. not because i was tired or sick, but because i didn't want to be there. i didn't want to be anywhere. sometimes you just want to escape, forget everything and everyone. i made it upstairs without snapping at anyone, and put on my headphones as soon as i sat down. the day hadn't even begun and i wanted it to be over. it got even worse at lunchtime because i was asked to do someone else's work leaving me no time to do mine, someone who's had a 6 day weekend (absent thursday, friday, and today). so today even though i'm not the praying kind, i had to say a quick one to keep my frustrations from turning into anger and to keep me from lashing out. and also to say thank you because even though its a shitty job, i have one.
now i'm home sitting here with my headphones on, blocking out the family, the phone ringing, and every other annoying sound. tomorrow i'll feel like myself again, because i have to. because tomorrow i have to call my parents and try to keep them together. because tomorrow i have to make a few calls to some family members because my uncle just died from cancer. because tomorrow i have to find some encouraging words to say to a friend who's watching his dream and everything he's worked extremely hard at fall apart. because tomorrow i have to make some calls about my school situation. because tomorrow i have too much shit to do to be mopping around.
now i'm home sitting here with my headphones on, blocking out the family, the phone ringing, and every other annoying sound. tomorrow i'll feel like myself again, because i have to. because tomorrow i have to call my parents and try to keep them together. because tomorrow i have to make a few calls to some family members because my uncle just died from cancer. because tomorrow i have to find some encouraging words to say to a friend who's watching his dream and everything he's worked extremely hard at fall apart. because tomorrow i have to make some calls about my school situation. because tomorrow i have too much shit to do to be mopping around.
Sunday, May 15, 2005
spring cleaning
i cleaned up and sorted all my boxes and shit i had packed up in the garage since i moved in. didn't realize i had so much stuff. found more books, journals, clothes, games, jewelry, pictures. things of interest that i found:
1) my original slinky - i won it as bet between goonga and i. i miss him.
2) my tweety diary from junior and senior year - can't read it though because i can't find the key to the lock and i don't want to break it.
3) my "List Your Self" book - which i have written anything in such a long time.
4) baby pictures of myself & my cousin in his stroller - now i get to tease him mercilessly because he thinks he's older than me just because he's taller.
5) an unopened box of 50 playtex super absorbency tampons- and here i've been wasting my money buying more.
6) more marks & spencers undies - thanks mom.
7) a list of requirements for my "ideal mate" (i think it was from high school)- saraha and i were bored one night on the phone and thats what we came up with. the only person so far who's met almost all of them is....goonga!
8) anne hooper's karma sutra - I FORGOT I HAD THIS!!!!!!!!!
9) money from back home (sierra leone) - which has absolutely no value here.
10) adaptor for my PS2 to watch DVDs - but since i lost the remote to the damn thing i can't use it anyway.
11) my little case of yarn - used to make bracelets for the summer.
12) pictures from korea - i thought i'd lost them.
1) my original slinky - i won it as bet between goonga and i. i miss him.
2) my tweety diary from junior and senior year - can't read it though because i can't find the key to the lock and i don't want to break it.
3) my "List Your Self" book - which i have written anything in such a long time.
4) baby pictures of myself & my cousin in his stroller - now i get to tease him mercilessly because he thinks he's older than me just because he's taller.
5) an unopened box of 50 playtex super absorbency tampons- and here i've been wasting my money buying more.
6) more marks & spencers undies - thanks mom.
7) a list of requirements for my "ideal mate" (i think it was from high school)- saraha and i were bored one night on the phone and thats what we came up with. the only person so far who's met almost all of them is....goonga!
8) anne hooper's karma sutra - I FORGOT I HAD THIS!!!!!!!!!
9) money from back home (sierra leone) - which has absolutely no value here.
10) adaptor for my PS2 to watch DVDs - but since i lost the remote to the damn thing i can't use it anyway.
11) my little case of yarn - used to make bracelets for the summer.
12) pictures from korea - i thought i'd lost them.
Sunday, May 08, 2005
i jogged and walked 4 miles today after walking up and down main st. all day yesterday....god help me in the morning.
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Randomness 3
1. my credit card is almost paid off. now i can finally blow my money off on other things. woo hoo!!!
2. i've been waking up to the same song for the past couple of months.
3. snap, crackle, and pop died....sob sob.
4. why do all the cute guys become available when you aren't???
5. why does it feel like i've been doing sit-ups and crunchs....my muscles are sore and it hurts everytime i have to sit up.
6. so hot 99.5 is doing a MILF contest for mother's day. apparently they've been doing it for years....lol....can they even say MILF on the radio??? I can just imagine the little kids now, "mommy what's a MILF?"
7. so noone believes the whole tom cruise- katie holmes thing...so they might not be dating. i know noone cares.
8. why is it so cold outside??? ITS MAY!!! and everything's covered in frost. i hate spring.
i have more to add to the list but then people will begin to think that i'm weird....lol....enjoy the frost bitches!!!
2. i've been waking up to the same song for the past couple of months.
3. snap, crackle, and pop died....sob sob.
4. why do all the cute guys become available when you aren't???
5. why does it feel like i've been doing sit-ups and crunchs....my muscles are sore and it hurts everytime i have to sit up.
6. so hot 99.5 is doing a MILF contest for mother's day. apparently they've been doing it for years....lol....can they even say MILF on the radio??? I can just imagine the little kids now, "mommy what's a MILF?"
7. so noone believes the whole tom cruise- katie holmes thing...so they might not be dating. i know noone cares.
8. why is it so cold outside??? ITS MAY!!! and everything's covered in frost. i hate spring.
i have more to add to the list but then people will begin to think that i'm weird....lol....enjoy the frost bitches!!!
Sunday, April 24, 2005
the 12th sign of the zodiac, symbolized by two fish. According to astrologers, people whose birthdays occur between February 19 and March 20 are born under the sun sign of Pisces. The planet Neptune rules Pisces, which is a water sign.
Astrologers consider Pisceans to be sensitive, emotional, sunny, impressionable, dreamy, creative, psychic, and mystical. Pisceans tend to be idealistic; sometimes the real world gets too harsh and ugly for them. To escape unpleasant realities, some Pisceans retreat into their own dreams and fantasies and become evasive, even deceitful. Others escape productively through charity work, the arts, religion, meditation, and solitude. Pisceans make good listeners, can see different sides of issues, and often have great sympathy for the suffering of others.
According to astrologers, typical Pisceans do not have great physical stamina. Pisceans can be delicate and vulnerable, especially when under emotional stress. However, they are capable of great strength, in part because they are adaptable and can maneuver around difficult situations. They also have the ability to take life as it comes. Professions associated with Pisces are music, film, dance, and other arts; charitable work; counseling; jobs involving water, chemicals, oil, or drugs; clergy; and nursing.
Astrologers consider Pisceans to be sensitive, emotional, sunny, impressionable, dreamy, creative, psychic, and mystical. Pisceans tend to be idealistic; sometimes the real world gets too harsh and ugly for them. To escape unpleasant realities, some Pisceans retreat into their own dreams and fantasies and become evasive, even deceitful. Others escape productively through charity work, the arts, religion, meditation, and solitude. Pisceans make good listeners, can see different sides of issues, and often have great sympathy for the suffering of others.
According to astrologers, typical Pisceans do not have great physical stamina. Pisceans can be delicate and vulnerable, especially when under emotional stress. However, they are capable of great strength, in part because they are adaptable and can maneuver around difficult situations. They also have the ability to take life as it comes. Professions associated with Pisces are music, film, dance, and other arts; charitable work; counseling; jobs involving water, chemicals, oil, or drugs; clergy; and nursing.
i'm sitting here with my ears stuffed with cotton balls soaked in sweet oil. its supposed to help with earaches, and surprisingly it actually works. and as i look down at my make-shift dresser lined with an assortment of allergy pills, i wonder when i develop allergies??? there's benadryl allergy, children's benadryl, tylenol allery & sinus, nasal decongestant, claritin, a vial of prescription drugs, along with an assortment of creams for my rosea (which thank god hasn't resurfaced this season). when did i become such a druggie??? i suppose it doesn't help that i work in a pharmacy...lol. so today's going to be a very muffled day.....with me screaming at anyone who speaks to me, "WHAT DID YOU SAY???"
Friday, April 22, 2005
today was a good day
my boss did reviews last week...mine was excellent of course...no problems came up....and so today we got our well overdue raises and bonuses. i'm moving on up. yay for me! so after work i went out and splurged a little. bought some new cds to add to my collection and i'm in the process of creating a new look. i think i've out grown the t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers phase. my hair's relaxed once again (couldn't do the natural thing), so now i have to do some high maintenace crap to make sure it doesn't get damaged again. so new hair, new clothes, new tunes...oh and new boyfriend.
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Sunday, April 03, 2005
for sale
- ovaries
- fallopian tubes
- uterus
- cervix
- labia minor & major
- vagina
- vulva
all parts are slightly used and available at a discount price. contact seller for pricing info. ships within 3-5 business days, as soon as payment is received. shipping $3.99 for the 1st item, add $1 for each additional item. pay by credit card, money order, or cashiers check. no cash or personal checks accepted.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Sunday, March 13, 2005
everybody was kung-fu fighting...
...those days were fast as lightning (i think those are the words). sorry that song's been stuck in my head for the past couple of hours.
anyways time to give a weekly update. hmm...where to begin??? i guess monday should start things off. let's see what happened on monday...absolutely nothing...went to work...slaved away for 8 hours on work that i let build up over the past two weeks. got off work...came home...ate...watched tv...read...went to sleep.
moving on to good ol' tuesday...did the same thing as monday...still trying to catch up on work...made eveyone else look like slackers (which they are anyway)...came home...ate...watched tv...read...went to sleep.
now for hump day...are you bored yet??? well imagine being me...lol. did the same thing...nothing new and exciting happened. actually i didn't watch tv...broke away from the routine a little...you know gotta switch it up every now and then.
ok i'm not going to torture you any longer. it picked a little on friday....after work i babysit the muchkins. got home late...couldn't go to sleep...read until 3 or 4a.m.
yesterday i went shopping with TT and her mom. we went to get her 6 months picture taken and then headed off to the mall. overall a good day. she's so adorable. so that's been my week.
anyways time to give a weekly update. hmm...where to begin??? i guess monday should start things off. let's see what happened on monday...absolutely nothing...went to work...slaved away for 8 hours on work that i let build up over the past two weeks. got off work...came home...ate...watched tv...read...went to sleep.
moving on to good ol' tuesday...did the same thing as monday...still trying to catch up on work...made eveyone else look like slackers (which they are anyway)...came home...ate...watched tv...read...went to sleep.
now for hump day...are you bored yet??? well imagine being me...lol. did the same thing...nothing new and exciting happened. actually i didn't watch tv...broke away from the routine a little...you know gotta switch it up every now and then.
ok i'm not going to torture you any longer. it picked a little on friday....after work i babysit the muchkins. got home late...couldn't go to sleep...read until 3 or 4a.m.
yesterday i went shopping with TT and her mom. we went to get her 6 months picture taken and then headed off to the mall. overall a good day. she's so adorable. so that's been my week.
Saturday, March 05, 2005
i'm back bitches!!!
i know i know...you missed me. i've changed the sidebar a little. not sure if you noticed or cared. there's also a booklist, so anything i'm currently reading, or i've read in the past couple of weeks will be added. i'm not recommending anything to anyone so don't blame me if you hate it. speaking of hate...gwen's album is garbage, but its garbage that can grow on you, like j-ho. anyways, i'm starting to expand my music collection again. its been a while since i bought CDs on a regular basis. while we're on the subject. did you hear that the backstreet boys are getting back together??? what the fuck??? they're what...in their mid-thirties now??? they can't really be serious and if they are i do hope they change the name.
We've been waiting so long
Just can't hold it back no more
Creepin' up and down now
It's time for me to let it go
If you really wanna see
What we can do for you
Send the crazy wildin' static
Sing it
Jam on cuz Backstreet's got it
Come on now everybody
We've got it goin' on for years
Backstreet's back
"we've got it going on" --- backstreet boys
We've been waiting so long
Just can't hold it back no more
Creepin' up and down now
It's time for me to let it go
If you really wanna see
What we can do for you
Send the crazy wildin' static
Sing it
Jam on cuz Backstreet's got it
Come on now everybody
We've got it goin' on for years
Backstreet's back
"we've got it going on" --- backstreet boys
Friday, February 25, 2005
i'm not really sure what to make of this, because yesterday my account was in the negatives because of some screw-up by sprint....god i fucking hate them sometimes. so i woke up this morning to check my account. today's payday and i have direct deposit. i log-in and go to account summary. imagine my surprise to find a large chunk of money deposited from work that i know damn well isn't mine. my check is twice the normal amount. i know its just wishful thinking that its all mine. maybe i got another raise, and they just failed to mention it to me. but i know this isn't true, that mg probably just screwed up while he was doing the cards, and when i go in today he's going to realize what happened and the money will all be gone. maybe he's doing the advance pay thing again...i hate that, because then i have money that i'm not supposed to have for the next two weeks and i'm sooooo tempted to spend it.
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
it's 9:30 i have no desire to get dressed and go to work. i'm supposed to be there at 9:00. oh well. i've been up since 7:30 doing absolutely nothing. maybe i'll go shower now....i wonder what they'll say if i show up around 11:00 without calling...i guess i'll find out today. its gonna be one of those days.
Monday, February 21, 2005
so gross
i just found out that one of my exes...well i don't know if i should call him an ex or not. we were together when i was 14 and he was 19, but only a few people knew about it, for obvious reasons. my mother would've killed if she'd found out. well anyways, his mom called me today to wish me happy b-day, and it turns out she's one of my godmothers. i think i knew that when i was younger but forgot because they lived in another country for a while. so if something had happened to my parents, and noone else could take me in, she would've adopted me and he would've been my brother....so gross. good thing it didn't turn out that way.
Sunday, February 20, 2005
Saturday, February 19, 2005
movie "reviews" etc.
life in MD is extremely boring. nothing new happening....no drama....no gossip....hence nothing to blog about. so it's time for another movie "review" and other random bs.
i finally saw Resident Evil: Apocalypse. i have to say i was somewhat disappointed.

the storyline in the first one was so much better. i'm still confused about a few things....i'm not saying just yet because i don't want to ruin it for those of you who haven't seen it. anyways, i think there's going to be a third one based on how it ended. now i know to just lower my expectations so i won't be disappointed.
another movie i saw was Maria Full of Grace.

it was a good movie, but then again i was half awake the whole time. maybe i'll watch it again this weekend or wait a few more days.
now onto more important things: my birthday. i still haven't decided what to do. a friend of mine wants me to hang out with him, but i have no idea what i want to do. of course there has to be drinks involved or it wouldn't be a great birthday...lol.
and speaking of birthdays, i think my biological has gone into over drive...don't laugh. i'm dead serious. maybe its because i realize i'm getting older and i really don't have that much time left...i don't want to start having kids when i'm 30. yesterday morning when i woke up, i felt this strong need to have a child, and a girl at that. and it wasn't just a passing thought, the feeling lasted throughout the day...very scary. i wish i could go back in time, maybe to....hmmm what age was a good age???.....maybe 21.....and just stay that way. i don't want to get old and i don't want to think about having kids....not right now anyway.
i finally saw Resident Evil: Apocalypse. i have to say i was somewhat disappointed.
the storyline in the first one was so much better. i'm still confused about a few things....i'm not saying just yet because i don't want to ruin it for those of you who haven't seen it. anyways, i think there's going to be a third one based on how it ended. now i know to just lower my expectations so i won't be disappointed.
another movie i saw was Maria Full of Grace.
it was a good movie, but then again i was half awake the whole time. maybe i'll watch it again this weekend or wait a few more days.
now onto more important things: my birthday. i still haven't decided what to do. a friend of mine wants me to hang out with him, but i have no idea what i want to do. of course there has to be drinks involved or it wouldn't be a great birthday...lol.
and speaking of birthdays, i think my biological has gone into over drive...don't laugh. i'm dead serious. maybe its because i realize i'm getting older and i really don't have that much time left...i don't want to start having kids when i'm 30. yesterday morning when i woke up, i felt this strong need to have a child, and a girl at that. and it wasn't just a passing thought, the feeling lasted throughout the day...very scary. i wish i could go back in time, maybe to....hmmm what age was a good age???.....maybe 21.....and just stay that way. i don't want to get old and i don't want to think about having kids....not right now anyway.
Thursday, February 17, 2005
i am so bored. i've been looking at the staples catalogue for the last 2 hours. i should've stayed home.
Monday, February 14, 2005
Sticky wicky
i got stickered today by the lovely, toothless, princess kiki. both cheeks, my hands, arms and even my shoes were decorated by the time i left the house. she was so excited about losing another tooth today and proceeded to show everyone that walked through the front door, her gorgeous gums. what i'd give to be 5 again!!!
Friday, February 11, 2005
this is annoying
has anyone had their wisdom tooth pulled yet??? what did it feel like when it was growing in??? my right jaw has been sore for the past 2 days now and its really annoying.
as far as sleeping.....i think i did better last night, expect i kept waking up every hour because i was afraid i'd sleep through my alarm and my cousin would be late for school. so far everything's fine, he's showered and dressed and all set to go. yay me!
as far as sleeping.....i think i did better last night, expect i kept waking up every hour because i was afraid i'd sleep through my alarm and my cousin would be late for school. so far everything's fine, he's showered and dressed and all set to go. yay me!
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
what the @$*#?
so this is what its come down to.....this is how we'll spend the rest of our working days.....our adult lives.....8 hours a day......5 days a week.....this is it.....arguing and debating for over an hour who used what type of highlighter!!!!
yes bitches and hoes.....yes guys included....forgive me i'm delirious tonight, lack of sleep will do that to you. NO MORE BENADRYL!!!!! YAY!!! But yes that was the issue at hand today:
we had a meeting a few months ago about such disastrous behavior, and poor orange was banned. back to boring old yellow, but it seems we have a rebel in our midst. one who's love for orange has made her abandon all the rules and follow her heart....the orange lover. unfortunately, no one has been charged with the crime, but the investigation will continue tomorrow, so stay tuned.
p.s. i started bitching out it. the orange does cause more headaches for me because when you use it and send the doc. out, people fax it back to us and the highlighted sections (the important stuff) prints out black and eligible. plus i needed something to bitch about or the day wouldn't have felt right.....such an evil little wench. hehe!
yes bitches and hoes.....yes guys included....forgive me i'm delirious tonight, lack of sleep will do that to you. NO MORE BENADRYL!!!!! YAY!!! But yes that was the issue at hand today:
we had a meeting a few months ago about such disastrous behavior, and poor orange was banned. back to boring old yellow, but it seems we have a rebel in our midst. one who's love for orange has made her abandon all the rules and follow her heart....the orange lover. unfortunately, no one has been charged with the crime, but the investigation will continue tomorrow, so stay tuned.
p.s. i started bitching out it. the orange does cause more headaches for me because when you use it and send the doc. out, people fax it back to us and the highlighted sections (the important stuff) prints out black and eligible. plus i needed something to bitch about or the day wouldn't have felt right.....such an evil little wench. hehe!
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
a tribute to mj from mj
Your Butt Is Mine
Gonna Take You Right
Just Show Your Face
In Broad Daylight
I'm Telling You
On How I Feel
Gonna Hurt Your Mind
Don't Shoot To Kill
Come On, Come On,
Lay It On Me All Right...
I'm Giving You
On Count Of Three
To Show Your Stuff
Or Let It Be . . .
I'm Telling You
Just Watch Your Mouth
I Know Your Game
What You're About
Well They Say The Sky's
The Limit
And To Me That's Really True
But My Friend You Have
Seen Nothing
Just Wait 'Til I Get Through . . .
i held out last night, didn't take the benadryl and as a result got about 3 hours of sleep. woke up around 7:30 to get ready for work and realized i'd completely lost my voice. got right back in bed and tried to go back to sleep. i was phone duty when i got out of bed. everyone keeps calling to sympathize. half of these people i have no idea who they are, but they all know me.
anyways onto explaining the whole michael reference. i was talking to my little cousin today and somehow we started talking about michael. i'm surprised he knows some of his songs and even saw "the wiz" and "moonwalker" (he's 11). most kids his age don't. i can't imagine not knowing michael. i grew up listening to michael. i was 6 years old dancing around and singing along to "bad".
so today i'm giving thanks to mj for bringing music into my life. "bad" was the first tape i owned, not my brother's or my cousin's, my tape. mj has been playing for the past couple of hours and will continue to play until i get sick of him.
oh and we were watching "a goofy movie" and he was jamming to "eye to eye" and i asked him if he knew who sang it. of course he didn't. i told him it was tevin campbell and his response, "who in the world is that?" god i feel old.
Gonna Take You Right
Just Show Your Face
In Broad Daylight
I'm Telling You
On How I Feel
Gonna Hurt Your Mind
Don't Shoot To Kill
Come On, Come On,
Lay It On Me All Right...
I'm Giving You
On Count Of Three
To Show Your Stuff
Or Let It Be . . .
I'm Telling You
Just Watch Your Mouth
I Know Your Game
What You're About
Well They Say The Sky's
The Limit
And To Me That's Really True
But My Friend You Have
Seen Nothing
Just Wait 'Til I Get Through . . .
i held out last night, didn't take the benadryl and as a result got about 3 hours of sleep. woke up around 7:30 to get ready for work and realized i'd completely lost my voice. got right back in bed and tried to go back to sleep. i was phone duty when i got out of bed. everyone keeps calling to sympathize. half of these people i have no idea who they are, but they all know me.
anyways onto explaining the whole michael reference. i was talking to my little cousin today and somehow we started talking about michael. i'm surprised he knows some of his songs and even saw "the wiz" and "moonwalker" (he's 11). most kids his age don't. i can't imagine not knowing michael. i grew up listening to michael. i was 6 years old dancing around and singing along to "bad".
so today i'm giving thanks to mj for bringing music into my life. "bad" was the first tape i owned, not my brother's or my cousin's, my tape. mj has been playing for the past couple of hours and will continue to play until i get sick of him.
oh and we were watching "a goofy movie" and he was jamming to "eye to eye" and i asked him if he knew who sang it. of course he didn't. i told him it was tevin campbell and his response, "who in the world is that?" god i feel old.
Monday, February 07, 2005
sitting here for the past hour with a spoon in my mouth and a bottle of cherry flavored children's benadryl in front of me.....contemplating whether i should take it. i know i have issues.
A) reasons i'm supposed to take it:
runny nose
itchy, watery eyes
itchy throat
B) reasons i want to take take:
it puts me to sleep
just 3 teaspoons and i'm gone. i can sleep through the night which is a rare thing for me. but my cold's almost gone. this is how i developed a dependency on nyquil last year. i don't have any sleeping pills, not sure if i'd take them if i did. so that leaves me with the benadryl.
hmmmm.....keep taking it every night for a few more weeks even though i don't need it or spend the next few nights getting 2 or 3 hours of sleep and go to work even more miserable and pissy. i wonder what the sides effects are for taking too much benadryl???
A) reasons i'm supposed to take it:
runny nose
itchy, watery eyes
itchy throat
B) reasons i want to take take:
it puts me to sleep
just 3 teaspoons and i'm gone. i can sleep through the night which is a rare thing for me. but my cold's almost gone. this is how i developed a dependency on nyquil last year. i don't have any sleeping pills, not sure if i'd take them if i did. so that leaves me with the benadryl.
hmmmm.....keep taking it every night for a few more weeks even though i don't need it or spend the next few nights getting 2 or 3 hours of sleep and go to work even more miserable and pissy. i wonder what the sides effects are for taking too much benadryl???
Sunday, January 30, 2005
my day is ruined.
the most devastating, tragic, earth-shattering thing has happened. all the cocoa puffs are gone. so i go downstairs to get some breakfast i.e. cocoa puffs. reach for the box, its full so i'm expecting to have at least 2 bowls of cereal. open the box and it holds, no not my cocoa puffs, but frosted flakes. FROSTED FLAKES!!!!!!!!!! what happened to the cocoa puffs??? and why is the frosted flakes in the cocoa puffs box??? so now i'm having a glass of ruby red grapefruit juice for breakfast because i don't want to eat anything else. and we're snowed in so no cocoa puffs today. i'm devastated.
Saturday, January 29, 2005
2nd new sari
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
out-dated, old fashion, behind the times, quarter dead.......
...so how come everyone else has a gmail account??? i want a gmail account!!! does anyone know how i can get one??? i feel so old and out of touch. i'm the last to know everything!!!
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Monday, January 24, 2005
Racist Hot 97 Skit Mocking Tsunami Victims
hiphopmusic.com: Racist Hot 97 Skit Mocking Tsunami Victims
There's also a link for the an online petition. Please make sure you sign it. Thanks for the email Cnot.
There's also a link for the an online petition. Please make sure you sign it. Thanks for the email Cnot.
Sunday, January 23, 2005
Thursday, January 20, 2005
time for a change
i'm a true pisces. the tides have changed. i feel it all around me and in everything i do. my attitude towards work, family and certain people needs to change. i need to change my work ethics. i need to change the way i dress. i need to change or replace certain "friends." today was just the beginning. i cut off ties to certain people. my relationship with them, if it had continued, would've been more detrimental to my well-being than beneficial to either of one of us. i know this is a decision i might regret later on in life, but right now i have to do what i feel is right for myself. all my time wasted with certain people should've been spent building stronger relationships with others. i don't regret any of it, i just feel its time to change.
i also need to change the way i dress. i was talking to barb the other day and i told her how i felt. this isn't me. i've gotten too comfortable in casual clothes. i'm not used to dressing up anymore. i miss dressing up. this isn't me. i've become too comfortable and too complacent about certain things. i need to do this for me.
i'll be 24 in a month....maybe that's why i feel the need to change. its time to cast aside the monkeys for a change....lol. don't get me wrong i still love them, but i need something different.
i also need to change the way i dress. i was talking to barb the other day and i told her how i felt. this isn't me. i've gotten too comfortable in casual clothes. i'm not used to dressing up anymore. i miss dressing up. this isn't me. i've become too comfortable and too complacent about certain things. i need to do this for me.
i'll be 24 in a month....maybe that's why i feel the need to change. its time to cast aside the monkeys for a change....lol. don't get me wrong i still love them, but i need something different.
Monday, January 17, 2005
(Twista talking)
Man, I know we had a lot of tragedies lately.
I just wanna say rest in peace to Aaliyah,
Rest in peace to Left Eye,
Rest in peace to Jam Master Jay,
And everybody lost in the Twin Towers,
And everybody lost period.
All we got is HOPE!!
VERSE 1 (Twista)
I wish the way I was living could stop, serving rocks,
Knowing the cops is hot when I’m on the block, And I
Wish my brother woulda made bail,
So I won’t have to travel 6 hours to see him in jail, And I
Wish that my grandmother wasn’t sick,
Or that we would just come up on some stacks and hit a lick, And I
(I wish)
Wish my homies wouldn’t have to suffer,
When the streets get the upper had on us & we lose a brother, And I
Wish I could go deep in a zone,
& lift the spirits of the world with the words with in this song, And I
(I wish)
Wish I could teach a could teach a soul to fly,
Take away the pain out cha hands and help you hold them hi, And I
Wish God never gave the men power
To be able to hurt the people inside the Twin Towers, And I
(I wish)
Wish God woulda turned they hearts righteous,
When they started to take innocent lives and become snipers, But uh
We will never break, though they devistate, we shall motivate,
And we gotta pray, all we got is faith.
Instead of thinking about who gonna die to day,
The Lord is gonna help you feel better, so you ain’t gotta cry today.
Sit at the light so long,
And then we gotta move straight forward, cuz we fight so strong,
So when right go wrong,
Just say a little prayer, get ya money man, life go on!!!
Let’s HOPE!
CHORUS (Faith Evans)
Cuz I’m hopeful, yes I am, hopeful for today,
Take this music and use it
Let it take you away,
And be hopeful (hopeful) and he’ll make a way
I know it ain’t easy but that’s okay.
Let’s be hopeful!
VERSE 2 (Twista)
I wish that you could show some love,
Instead of hatin so much when you see some other people commin up
(I wish)
I wish I could teach the world to sing,
Watch the music and have ‘em trippin of the joy I bring, (shiit)
I wish that we could hold hands,
Listen instead of dissin lessons from a grown man, And I
(I wish)
Wish the families that lack, but got love, get some stacks
Brand new shack and a lack that’s on dubs, And I
Wish we could keep achieving wonders,
See the vision of the world through the eyes of Stevie Wonder, (you feel me)
(I wish)
And I hope all the kids eat,
And don’t nobody in my family see six feet, (ya dig)
I hope them mothers stain’ strong,
You can make it whether you wit him or your mans gone, And I
(I wish)
Wish I could give every celly some commissary,
& the popo bring the heat on them priest like they did R. Kelly, And I
Wish that DOC could scream again
And bullets could reverse so Pac and Biggie breath again, (shit)
(I wish)
Then one day they could speak again,
I wish that we only saw good news every time we look at CNN,
I wish that enemies could talk,
And that super homie Christopher Reeves could still walk,
(I wish)
I wish that we could walk a path, stay doin the right thing
Hustle hard so the kids maintain up in the game,
Let’s HOPE
CHORUS (Faith Evans)
Cuz I’m hopeful, yes I am, hopeful for today,
Take this music and use it
Let it take you away,
And be hopeful (hopeful) and he’ll make a way
I know it ain’t easy but that’s okay.
Let’s be hopeful!
VERSE 3 (Twista)
Wish the earth wasn’t so apocalyptic,
I try to spread my message to the world the best way I can give it,
We can make it always so optimistic,
If you don’t listen gotta live my life the best way I can live it,
I pray for justice when we go to court,
Wish it was all good so the country wouldn’t have to go to war,
Why can’t we kick it and just get em on,
And in the famous words of Mr. King “Why can’t we all just get along”,
Or we can find a better way to shop and please, And I
Hope we find a better way to cop a keys, And I
Wish everybody would just stop and freeze,
And ask way are we fulfillin these downfalls and prophecies,
You can be wrong if it’s you doubting,
With the faith of a mustard seed you can move mountains,
And only the heavenly father and ease the hurt,
Just let it go and keep prayin on your knees in church!!
And let’s HOPE
Man, I know we had a lot of tragedies lately.
I just wanna say rest in peace to Aaliyah,
Rest in peace to Left Eye,
Rest in peace to Jam Master Jay,
And everybody lost in the Twin Towers,
And everybody lost period.
All we got is HOPE!!
VERSE 1 (Twista)
I wish the way I was living could stop, serving rocks,
Knowing the cops is hot when I’m on the block, And I
Wish my brother woulda made bail,
So I won’t have to travel 6 hours to see him in jail, And I
Wish that my grandmother wasn’t sick,
Or that we would just come up on some stacks and hit a lick, And I
(I wish)
Wish my homies wouldn’t have to suffer,
When the streets get the upper had on us & we lose a brother, And I
Wish I could go deep in a zone,
& lift the spirits of the world with the words with in this song, And I
(I wish)
Wish I could teach a could teach a soul to fly,
Take away the pain out cha hands and help you hold them hi, And I
Wish God never gave the men power
To be able to hurt the people inside the Twin Towers, And I
(I wish)
Wish God woulda turned they hearts righteous,
When they started to take innocent lives and become snipers, But uh
We will never break, though they devistate, we shall motivate,
And we gotta pray, all we got is faith.
Instead of thinking about who gonna die to day,
The Lord is gonna help you feel better, so you ain’t gotta cry today.
Sit at the light so long,
And then we gotta move straight forward, cuz we fight so strong,
So when right go wrong,
Just say a little prayer, get ya money man, life go on!!!
Let’s HOPE!
CHORUS (Faith Evans)
Cuz I’m hopeful, yes I am, hopeful for today,
Take this music and use it
Let it take you away,
And be hopeful (hopeful) and he’ll make a way
I know it ain’t easy but that’s okay.
Let’s be hopeful!
VERSE 2 (Twista)
I wish that you could show some love,
Instead of hatin so much when you see some other people commin up
(I wish)
I wish I could teach the world to sing,
Watch the music and have ‘em trippin of the joy I bring, (shiit)
I wish that we could hold hands,
Listen instead of dissin lessons from a grown man, And I
(I wish)
Wish the families that lack, but got love, get some stacks
Brand new shack and a lack that’s on dubs, And I
Wish we could keep achieving wonders,
See the vision of the world through the eyes of Stevie Wonder, (you feel me)
(I wish)
And I hope all the kids eat,
And don’t nobody in my family see six feet, (ya dig)
I hope them mothers stain’ strong,
You can make it whether you wit him or your mans gone, And I
(I wish)
Wish I could give every celly some commissary,
& the popo bring the heat on them priest like they did R. Kelly, And I
Wish that DOC could scream again
And bullets could reverse so Pac and Biggie breath again, (shit)
(I wish)
Then one day they could speak again,
I wish that we only saw good news every time we look at CNN,
I wish that enemies could talk,
And that super homie Christopher Reeves could still walk,
(I wish)
I wish that we could walk a path, stay doin the right thing
Hustle hard so the kids maintain up in the game,
Let’s HOPE
CHORUS (Faith Evans)
Cuz I’m hopeful, yes I am, hopeful for today,
Take this music and use it
Let it take you away,
And be hopeful (hopeful) and he’ll make a way
I know it ain’t easy but that’s okay.
Let’s be hopeful!
VERSE 3 (Twista)
Wish the earth wasn’t so apocalyptic,
I try to spread my message to the world the best way I can give it,
We can make it always so optimistic,
If you don’t listen gotta live my life the best way I can live it,
I pray for justice when we go to court,
Wish it was all good so the country wouldn’t have to go to war,
Why can’t we kick it and just get em on,
And in the famous words of Mr. King “Why can’t we all just get along”,
Or we can find a better way to shop and please, And I
Hope we find a better way to cop a keys, And I
Wish everybody would just stop and freeze,
And ask way are we fulfillin these downfalls and prophecies,
You can be wrong if it’s you doubting,
With the faith of a mustard seed you can move mountains,
And only the heavenly father and ease the hurt,
Just let it go and keep prayin on your knees in church!!
And let’s HOPE
Sunday, January 16, 2005
day 2
i haven't really done anything today except practice playing the guitar. since my brother tuned it when i first got it, i decided it was time to learn how to tune it myself. keep tuning and untuning. i think i finally got the hang of it. i don't have to rely on the cd anymore. yay for me! anyways, its time for another movie "review". these are movies that i've seen recently and are worth mentioning. so here goes. first on the list is King Arthur.

i've always been fascinated with the legend of king arthur and the knights of the round table. this movie gave a somewhat different perspective from the classic tale. i'm still trying to decide whether i like this version or not. it would've done a lot better if they'd stuck to the story everyone's familiar with. the second movie of the week is Harold and Kumar go to White Castle.

if you liked american pie, american weeding and movies in that genre, you'll love this movie. i promise. well, that's all for now. back to tuning.
i've always been fascinated with the legend of king arthur and the knights of the round table. this movie gave a somewhat different perspective from the classic tale. i'm still trying to decide whether i like this version or not. it would've done a lot better if they'd stuck to the story everyone's familiar with. the second movie of the week is Harold and Kumar go to White Castle.
if you liked american pie, american weeding and movies in that genre, you'll love this movie. i promise. well, that's all for now. back to tuning.
2 more to go
i accomplished my goal of doing nothing today. and by nothing i mean no tedious task. didn't do any housework, didn't go anywhere, just sat on my ass all day. i'm not sure if i can do this for two more days, but i'll try my hardest. more quizzes to follow later if i get extremely bored. night bitches.
Saturday, January 15, 2005
my drug of choice
| You scored as Marijuana. The most beautiful, chill drug out there. You want something that's not too harsh on your body, and soothes the soul. It's also not addicting, so smoke it up, baby! And never have to go through withdrawls.
What's your ideal drug? created with QuizFarm.com |
3 day weekend
my plan is to do absolutely nothing. just lounge around the house for 3 days. do some more guitar practices, play games, watch movies, read. oh and some more silly quizzes. yep, thats the plan.
Friday, January 14, 2005
Is this really me???
You're like me! The intelligent loner. You're shy
at times but friendly, and you are never weak
and always independent. You are incredibly
intelligent (wise beyond your years) and have a
talent for many things (sports, music, art).
You have a kind and warm personality and enjoy
the simple things. Like hanging out with
friends and watching movies at home. But you're
sometimes quiet nature makes you a bit of an
outcast and a mystery to people. No matter how
pretty you are or smart or athletic, you just
can't seem to break into the crowd and be
noticed. Don't worry, try to be more outgoing
and speak out when you have more to say. Don't
hide behind your books and sports and computer,
get out there and get noticed. You also have
deep desires in life and feel vunerable and
alone at times. Don't feel sad either, What
helps me to express feelings and dreams that I
can't say to people, is through my writting.
Maybe you should try.
What kind of girl are you? (with pix!)
brought to you by Quizilla
Thursday, January 13, 2005
I'm Back Bitches!!!!!!!!
Ok so I haven't been gone that long, but its so unlike me to go a week without posting. Anyways between work, 2 nights of The O.C. marathon and everything else, I've been pretty tired and stressed out. Work's being pretty stressful but today was a little bit better. I really don't need to let these people stress me out anymore. Afterall its just a job. I'm all caught up on the O.C., and I'm now trying to finish watching 24: Season 3, since season 4 premeired last sunday.
In other news, I'm trying to plan something for my birthday. I still want to go to Vegas. Everyone loves the Vegas. Lol. But that might have to wait a while, because people will need to get funds together. Other places on list so far; PA (I can spend the week with guru, K, and Izzy and maybe Cnot can come down if she's not too busy), a day trip to NY, ATL (free room and board for the weekend with the best in-laws to be), and someone said I should add Miami to the list, but I think I should save that for another time. So if you have any ideas, let me know.
Well, thats all for now. Life's boring again. No big updates. No gossip at work, sad to say. We have two new guys at work. I thought I'd have some more eye candy. I was wrong. I did some investigating today, they're both too young. Oh well. The white van's disappeared. It hasn't been around for ages. Ummm......I think thats all. Anyways time to go. O.C. at 8pm. Till tomorrow bitches!!!!!!!!
In other news, I'm trying to plan something for my birthday. I still want to go to Vegas. Everyone loves the Vegas. Lol. But that might have to wait a while, because people will need to get funds together. Other places on list so far; PA (I can spend the week with guru, K, and Izzy and maybe Cnot can come down if she's not too busy), a day trip to NY, ATL (free room and board for the weekend with the best in-laws to be), and someone said I should add Miami to the list, but I think I should save that for another time. So if you have any ideas, let me know.
Well, thats all for now. Life's boring again. No big updates. No gossip at work, sad to say. We have two new guys at work. I thought I'd have some more eye candy. I was wrong. I did some investigating today, they're both too young. Oh well. The white van's disappeared. It hasn't been around for ages. Ummm......I think thats all. Anyways time to go. O.C. at 8pm. Till tomorrow bitches!!!!!!!!
Thursday, January 06, 2005
Randomness 2
I can't complain I'm bored for a few weeks. I have so many DVDs that I own that I have yet to watch. Here's the list:
1. The O.C.: Season 1
2. Seinfeld: Volume 1
3. Sex and the City: Season Six Part 1
4. The Superman Collection
5. Back to the Future Trilogy
6. King Arthur
7. I, Robot
8. Clerks
9. Dogma
Plus three movies from Netflix. So many movies, only 2 eyes. I need more eyes people!!!!!! At least it'll keep me distracted for a long time. I've been flirting too much lately with people I have no business flirting with. Oh well. Its harmless fun. I love boys, boys, boys, boys, boys I do adore.
1. The O.C.: Season 1
2. Seinfeld: Volume 1
3. Sex and the City: Season Six Part 1
4. The Superman Collection
5. Back to the Future Trilogy
6. King Arthur
7. I, Robot
8. Clerks
9. Dogma
Plus three movies from Netflix. So many movies, only 2 eyes. I need more eyes people!!!!!! At least it'll keep me distracted for a long time. I've been flirting too much lately with people I have no business flirting with. Oh well. Its harmless fun. I love boys, boys, boys, boys, boys I do adore.
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
Saturday, January 01, 2005
New Year's Resolutions
1. Call mom and dad more often - Seeing as they live thousands of miles away, I only get to see them once a year, if I'm lucky. Well I've only seen my dad once in 8 years. I saw my mom twice last year. We used to be so close. I could talk to her about almost everything. Now I only get to talk to her once every few weeks. She even mentioned how we've grown apart. So my goal for this year is to call home at least once a week.
2. Get license - I've been procrastinating for far too long. I'm tired of depending on other people for rides, especially when those people are constantly late. I feel trapped. I need to stop procrastinating, just practice and take the test. It can't be that hard right????
3. Learn to play the guitar really well - I'm not giving up my other hobbies, I just need to set aside time everyday to practice. But seeing as my free time depends on the other peoples schedule, I never know exactly when I'll be home. I could always practice in the mornings before heading out.
A very short and simple list. I wasn't going to make any resolutions for this year because I never stick to them. But its only 3 things so far, that should be fairly easy. If something else important comes along, a simple "To Do" list will suffice.
So far 2005 has been a very slow year. I got home around noon from yesterdays activities. Cleaned up a little bit, played games online, took a 4 hour nap (I needed that), now I'm just waiting for Cnot and Mon to get here and party the night away. Well it won't be that much of a party, I'm making them help in putting together Kiki's bike. Fun times! Later bitches. And NO!!!, I will not make "stop calling people bitches" a resolution.
2. Get license - I've been procrastinating for far too long. I'm tired of depending on other people for rides, especially when those people are constantly late. I feel trapped. I need to stop procrastinating, just practice and take the test. It can't be that hard right????
3. Learn to play the guitar really well - I'm not giving up my other hobbies, I just need to set aside time everyday to practice. But seeing as my free time depends on the other peoples schedule, I never know exactly when I'll be home. I could always practice in the mornings before heading out.
A very short and simple list. I wasn't going to make any resolutions for this year because I never stick to them. But its only 3 things so far, that should be fairly easy. If something else important comes along, a simple "To Do" list will suffice.
So far 2005 has been a very slow year. I got home around noon from yesterdays activities. Cleaned up a little bit, played games online, took a 4 hour nap (I needed that), now I'm just waiting for Cnot and Mon to get here and party the night away. Well it won't be that much of a party, I'm making them help in putting together Kiki's bike. Fun times! Later bitches. And NO!!!, I will not make "stop calling people bitches" a resolution.
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