Tuesday, February 08, 2005

a tribute to mj from mj

Your Butt Is Mine
Gonna Take You Right
Just Show Your Face
In Broad Daylight
I'm Telling You
On How I Feel
Gonna Hurt Your Mind
Don't Shoot To Kill
Come On, Come On,
Lay It On Me All Right...

I'm Giving You
On Count Of Three
To Show Your Stuff
Or Let It Be . . .
I'm Telling You
Just Watch Your Mouth
I Know Your Game
What You're About

Well They Say The Sky's
The Limit
And To Me That's Really True
But My Friend You Have
Seen Nothing
Just Wait 'Til I Get Through . . .


i held out last night, didn't take the benadryl and as a result got about 3 hours of sleep. woke up around 7:30 to get ready for work and realized i'd completely lost my voice. got right back in bed and tried to go back to sleep. i was phone duty when i got out of bed. everyone keeps calling to sympathize. half of these people i have no idea who they are, but they all know me.

anyways onto explaining the whole michael reference. i was talking to my little cousin today and somehow we started talking about michael. i'm surprised he knows some of his songs and even saw "the wiz" and "moonwalker" (he's 11). most kids his age don't. i can't imagine not knowing michael. i grew up listening to michael. i was 6 years old dancing around and singing along to "bad".

so today i'm giving thanks to mj for bringing music into my life. "bad" was the first tape i owned, not my brother's or my cousin's, my tape. mj has been playing for the past couple of hours and will continue to play until i get sick of him.

oh and we were watching "a goofy movie" and he was jamming to "eye to eye" and i asked him if he knew who sang it. of course he didn't. i told him it was tevin campbell and his response, "who in the world is that?" god i feel old.

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