Monday, November 22, 2004

Christmas carols at 7:00a.m!!! Not a fun way to start the day. Since when did we start celebrating Christmas before Thanksgiving??? And when I got to work Barbara was playing more carols!!! The only thing that made it bearable was that it was the Jackson 5 Christmas album. The evil, Oompa-Loompas supervisor (Janet, not Barbara), was being a bitch today. I can't stand the little midget.

Anyways, yesterday was a quiet day. Spent the day cleaning, trying to fix this blog, playing Sims 2, watching movies. Movies I watched this weekend; The Stepford Wives (entertaining, kinda weird), The Chronicles of Riddick (who told Van Diesel he could act), and Highway with Jared Leto and Jake Gyllenhaal.


Random movie I added to my netflix queue coz it had Jared Leto in it. I forgot how cute he can be (ignore the mohawk in the movie). Anyways after I stopped drooling, I realized it was a good movie, surprisingly. Well that's all for now. Till tomorrow, bitches.

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