Monday, August 29, 2005


my week of idleness has begun. my itinerary for the week:

  1. driving (2hrs, tues, wed, thurs)
  2. shopping (clothes & shoes) you mom
  3. lunch with cnotty
  4. buy wardrobe & organize room
  5. sex...i know i said its over...but i'm weak-willed & its been so long (57 to be exact) & i'm on vacation. so you all can yell at me next week
  6. more sex
  7. sleep
  8. more sleep
  9. movies
  10. finish current crochet project & start new blanket
  11. if i have time between the and maybe dust off the PS2.

Monday, August 08, 2005


it really amazes me that friends my age can still afford to sleep late on weekdays...and i don't mean until 10:00 a.m....more like 2:00p.m...don't these people have a job. maybe i'm just jealous because even on weekends when i'm supposed to sleep matter what time i go to bed...i always wake up around 7:00a.m. i called 3 people today around 2:00p.m. and woke them all up.

first convo
me: "hey whats up?"
friend: "actually i was still sleeping. you woke me up."

me: "sorry. don't you have shit to do today?"
friend: "no not really."

friend: " can i call you back in about an hour or so?"
me: "okay, bye."

second convo
me: "hi, i was just returning your call."
friend: "damn you woke me up."

me: "not working today i see."
friend: "nope."

me: "okay well i'll let you go."
friend: "i'll call you later, maybe in an hour."

third convo
me: "lemme guess...i woke you up."
friend: "yeah you did."

me: "don't you people fucking work anymore?'
friend: "nah just laying around the house."

friend: "whats wrong with you?"
me: "nothing at all. lemme guess you're gonna call me back? in an hour or two? ok bye."

only one called me back in an hour, which means the other two slept until about 5-6p.m. wish i could do that. i can't even take naps anymore. so yeah i guess i'm a little jealous. let's see its 11:15p.m now...if i go to sleep now i'll prolly wake up at 6:00a.m. then drift in and out until my alarm goes off at 7:00...because i'm afraid i'll sleep through the alarm...then curse myself for missing out on an hour. i miss those lazy summer days.