Monday was uneventful. Got up at 6a.m. went to work, got home around 7p.m.
Tuesday - took the day off went shopping with Bean and Manny (am I allowed to call him Manny now???)
Wednesday - went to work, got off at 5p.m. After work, went to Best Buy and Toys"R"Us. Got home around 7:30p.m., went to the movies at 10:30p.m., got home around 12:45p.m., couldn't go to sleep until after 2:00a.m.
Thursday - got up at 6:30a.m., went to work, got off at 6p.m. After work I went over to Goonga's and didn't get home until 3a.m.
Friday - got up at 10:45a.m., went to paint Kiki's room, finished around 7p.m., came home wrapped gifts, helped my cousin pack, went to sleep around 1a.m.
Saturday - got up at 7a.m. coz my cousin wanted to open gifts. Cleaned up a little bit, ate Christmas dinner around 4p.m., chilled with the fam, went over to Sarah's around 10p.m. to drop off gifts. Came back home, watched a movie, went to sleep at 2a.m.
Today - up at 6a.m., so far I've done nothing except fold my laundry, going over to the ex's at 2p.m.
I'm still tired!!!! I just want one day to sleep late and not have to worry about getting up and doing anything or going anywhere. Is that too much to ask for???
Sunday, December 19, 2004
Nothing to report. Life's boring. Even work's boring. No gossip. The only thing entertaining was the harlot's spelling. Cajun fries are now cushion fries. Yes, cushion. You can't help but feel sorry for her some days. Nothing much happened at NHPME, it was a slow week. Wednesday I took off work, and did a little bit of shopping. I bought Sex & the City Season 5. I'm just hoping noone bought it for me for Christmas. I forgot I had it on my wishlist. I still have to venture into the mall sometime this week. I need gifts for 6 more people. It shouldn't be too hard because I know what I'm getting everyone now (thank you Guru). So I just need to go in and grab it, stand in line for hours and then leave. Fun!
Its been a quiet weekend so far. Yesterday I spent the whole day watching football with Goonga. Even though the Giants lost, I'd have to say that Eli did a lot better than previous games. Panthers lost to the Falcons. I had my money on the Panthers. I shoulda known better. Anyways more football today. The Eagles are playing right now and of course they're going to win. Maybe I'll watch the second half. Gotta save the yelling and cheering for the Colts tonight. GO PEYTON!!!!!!!
I need to start watching basketball again. I don't even have a favorite team anymore, don't know who plays for what team, I'm slacking. Maybe I'll start watching after football season. Maybe.
Halfway through the banquet, just as the host asked us to bow our heads and pray, I hear "My Goodies" blasting from the next hall. Lol. That was the most entertaining part of the whole thing. The playlist also included; Macarena, Electric Boogie, among others. That provided most of the entertainment for me. The speeches were drawn out and boring, the food was horrible, but I had a blast talking about people and bobbing my head to the sounds from next door.
I haven't been sleeping too well lately....blame it on the 3a.m. phone calls. I'm sure you can guess who's calling. So tonight my goal is to relax, use my mouse massager, watch a movie and go to sleep. Movies of note that I saw this past week; Remember the Titans
I can't believe I waited this long to see this movie. I loved it. Excellent movie.
I found a dress. I left it on hold at the store. Gonna think it over tonight. See if I have shoes and accessories to go with it. If I do I'm going back tomorrow morning to get it. The mall's a mad house. I knew it was going to be bad, but damn! It took us almost an hour to find parking and when we did it was across the street from the mall. Anyways, tomorrow morning, bright and early, I'll be ready for the war zone. Wish me luck. Now I have to figure out what to do with my braids. Fun, fun.
Got in to work super early this morning. I'm thinking, its a Thursday, its raining out, its going to be a quiet day. I was way off. Around 10a.m., one of my coworkers comes in to our office and asks if any of us went to the Christmas party. To which the 3 people in my office at the time reply, "What Christmas party?" So an invite was extended to us by a certain hospital and some of the doctors who refer their patients to us. The invite was to NHPME, not just NHP. So all of the managers, the pharmacists, techs, and the employees in the supply department were invited. What about the billing department, the department that brings in all the money to this little shitty place, you ask???? Of course, once again, we were not included in this little get together. Barb gets pissed when she hears about this, because she's the one who spends most of her day on the phone with these doctors, trying to get forms from them, so NHPME can get their money. She's the forms supervisor and not a word was said to her about the party. I know she would've loved it. Just to meet some of these doctors, nurses, etc. Put faces to some of the names we see over and over again, faces to the voices she hears almost everyday. Its called common courtesy. I'm sure most of us wouldn't have attended (I know I wouldn't), but an invite would've been nice.
I know it may seem childish that we're all upset about it, but it happens all the time. So many things and events go on in that office that we (billing) are excluded from. And we're the ones who clean up their fucking messes when they screw up. And just the other day, they had an office pizza party. Yet again, not a word was said to us. No phone call upstairs, "Would you guys like to come down for a slice, a cup of soda???" Not even a fucking chip. We only found out they were having a party when the food arrived. But when we have anything going on upstairs, they're the first ones in line to get food. So yes, a feud's brewing. I'm just going to sit back and wait for someone to tip the pot over. This should be very interesting. Barb wants to stage a walk-out on the 23rd. I don't think that's going to happen. In the meantime, we're trying to think of other ways to protest. Talking to the managers is pointless because they're the ones who create these problems. They're so nonchalant about everything. This place is annoying. I feel sorry for the ones who have to deal with this for years to come.
I have a stye (I think that's how you spell it). My left eyelid's swollen and my vision's blurry. It's been like this for 3 days. I wonder how long it'll take to go away??? I was told to put a warm/hot cloth on it. One of those old school remedies. Its not working. It hurts almost everytime I blink.
Well that's the bad news for this week. Good news is my mom's visiting. I swear she travels more than anyone I know. She had to go to India for a wedding so she decided to stop by before heading home. She's not staying too long this time, only a week, because my grandmother's sick. She bought a sari for me. Now I have to learn how to wrap it and find some function to wear it to. Another plus, I have more undies from Marks & Spencer. Woo hoo!!!
In other news, there was a mini hairshow in the parking lot at club NHPME. One of my coworkers, raccoon, was getting her hair done in the parking lot by her "godbrother" after taking a 2 hour lunch break. Nikki and I starred out the window in disbelief at the new level of "ghettoness."
The current gossip at NHPME (I know I said I wasn't going to gossip anymore, but these people are so ghetto & interesting its hard not to), "the harlot" might be facing jailtime. A case against her involving bad checks, fraud, etc., which according to her, happened when she was 14 (she's 21 now) and it was her sister who committed the crime. She was in court yesterday, and supposedly she was going to "rat out" her sister. I hope for her son's sake (he's a year old and too adorable) that she doesn't go to jail.
Now here's the reason she earned this role, harlot, in my pseudo-play. She got pregnant by her drug dealing, good for absolutely nothing boyfriend. After she had her son, she started messing around with one of the drivers at work while still living with bf. He got beat up by crazy, druggie bf. She sleeps with random men, male strippers & such, on a regular basis. About a month ago, while still living with bf, met cellphone guy, started sleeping with cellphone guy. Bf found out, broke the cellphone. She moved out of bf's house, moved in with cellphone guy's, married, but separated friend, who she was now sleeping with. Did I lose you yet??? I hope not. Anyways, she's now moving back in with crazy, druggie bf.
Well that's all for now, my eye is starting to twitch. I think I should get off the comp. and get some rest. Its Friday night and I'm stuck at home with a stye & a warm cloth. Goonga wanted me to hang out with him. Told him I couldn't. Could've been somewhere else by now having a ball. Oh well, maybe I'll watch a movie. G-nite bitches. Oh I need a new catch-phrase. Goonga stole "monkey nuts" from me. Now everyone's saying or calling each other "monkey nuts."