Tinkerbell's Tale
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Sunday, June 22, 2008
My Friend JL
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
1. A nice, firm hand to scrub my back
2. hmm.....cricket......cricket.
Lol. Just kidding, there are a lot of things I miss about being with him in particular, too many to list, but there are some that I don't. I'm still trying to put together the missing pieces of the puzzle. I know now that he'll never tell me what truly happened, how things got this far and in a way, its better for some things to be left unsaid. I haven't had any meltdowns since the last post, so I think its safe to say that things are getting better. We even talk more and its not as hard as it was a couple of months ago. He's starting to voice his regret a little more, especially since he found out about the trip....jealous!!!....but we both know things have to stay this way for a while and maybe forever. Forever was what I was afraid of in the beginning and I had a hard time letting go, but it has to be this way. Besides, I need to sort out my feelings about my muse. This is something I have to address and settle with myself.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
No woman, no cry!!!
Good friends we have, oh, good friends we've lost
Along the way, yeah!
In this great future, you can't forget your past;
So dry your tears, I seh, yeah!
"No Woman No Cry" --- Bob Marley
Thursday, September 27, 2007
So we drove past the house on Good Luck today....the house with the probably the highest electric bill in the country (unless they own the company which would explain a lot of things). The owner(s) literally have the whole house decorated for every single holiday. The driveway, the lawn, the roof, the windows....last Christmas they ran out of space and used the neighbors house to help anchor some of the roof decorations!!! Yes that's how bad it is. Even when its not a holiday, the lights are still up and they're always on. I can understand not wanting to take all those lights down, but do you need to have them on??? I wonder how far up you'd have to go to not be able to see it.
Anyway we drove up today and guess what.....yep you got it!!! They have halloween decorations up already. I guess the time between labor day and halloween is just too long....yes they had it decorated for labor day. I'm going to try to take a picture tomorrow. Its on the way to the hairdresser...oops...I meant the hairstylist. I need batteries for my cam. A cell phone cam won't do it justice at all. I just thought of something...I've never seen anyone at that house. I mean for all the decorating and crap that they do you'd think you'd see someone outside rearranging or fixing something. But no not once in....how long has it been...3 years almost....not a single soul....and the front door's always open during the day. Its kinda like the ghost house in my neighborhood...I'll save that one for another post
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Counting Down
Monday, September 17, 2007
New Everything

Well almost. New look for the blog....finally. New job...finally. Next on the agenda is a car, school, and house. Starting on the first of October. I'm so excited. Tomorrow I'm turning in my resignation letter. Oh I can't wait. September 28 will be my last done. The girls are taking out to dinner. It'll be sad to leave them but I've been waiting for this day for so long. Its time to leave NHP. Even though they're trying to turn things around and make changes, its still not a place for someone my age. Anyways that's all the rambling for now. I'm going back to doing my monkey dance!!! Toodles!!!